Head: Nadezhda Stepanovna Fedosova

phone: (062) 300-27-91

Rewarded with:

– Honorary badge “Miner’s Glory” of the I–III degree (2007 and 2012)

– Honorary badge of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine "For Professional Achievements" (2008)

– Certificate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2004)

N. S. Fedosova carries out organizational and methodical management of work on invention, rationalization, patenting, standardization, metrology, and licensing activities.

With direct involvement of N. S. Fedosova the Institute has organized and successfully operates the standardization and metrology service, developed and implemented a quality management system of R&D, developed and implemented more than 30 regulations, organized and put on a high level patent and inventive work.

N. S. Fedosova has great experience in development and implementation of regulatory and technical documents. Under her guidance for the first time ever the Institute has developed and implemented industrial standard (State Standard of Ukraine) "Regulations for undermining buildings, structures and natural objects in underground coal winning".

She is engaged in drawing up work plans of the Institute on the sections relating to new developments, organizes work on providing the topics included in the development plans with patent and information materials, materials on standardization and metrological support, in determining the types of activities of the Institute that are subject to compulsory licensing.

Sits in the council for science and engineering and in the committee of IP experts of the Institute.

She combines fruitful scientific and technical activities with active participation in public life of the Institute. From 2000 till present she is in charge of the trade union organization of the Institute.

Functions of the Department:

Department of Patent and Licensing Activity, Inventive Work and Standardization was established in January 2003 and is one of the main research units of the Institute.

Department controls R&D and performs management of activities on innovation, patenting of inventions and utility models, is involved in conducting patent research in technological items to ensure a high technical level, patentability and novelty of the developed technology. It carries out work on licensing activities, standardization, metrology and regulatory compliance verification.
The functions of the Department also cover translation from/into foreign languages, archive work, library stock maintenance, multiplying and binding.

Due to professional work of the staff of the Department, the Institute was at the top of the list of educational and scientific organizations entered in the Register No. 1 for organizations-sources of formation (acquisition) of the Archive Fund of the Donetsk People's Republic as representing research, historical and practical value.

Result of Work

Due to active methodological assistance of the staff of the Department, the Institute received more than 200 certificates of authorship and patents for inventions and utility models. For ten years running, since 2004, the Institute confidently took the first place in the competition of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for achieving the best performance in inventive work, creation, protection and use of intellectual property rights. Five employees were awarded the honorary title "Inventor of the Year".

Scientific and technical archives store research reports of the Institute, conclusions and recommendations since 1929. Total number of research reports (including external organizations), conclusions, and recommendations as of 1 January 2018 is 9,605 units.

The stock of scientific and technical library of RANIMI contains 13,350 copies, including monographs of the Institute’s researchers, Transactions of UkrNIMI and RANIMI (since 2007).

Employees of the Department are actively involved in the development of standards, regulations (more than 50) in accordance with the stock in trade of the Institute, in the preparation of documents for obtaining licenses, permits for special types of work.

The Department provides the staff of the Institute with materials on domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology, subscribes to current periodicals.

Team of the Department:

Fedosova, N. S. – Head

Getmanets, L. V. – Deputy Head

Nesterova, L. I. – Junior researcher

Skopich, T. I. – Principal translator

Backman, E. B. – Principal engineer

Novikova, O. A. – Principal engineer

Roldugina, V. B. – First rank technician

Information on Patent Work

RANIMI is active and fruitful in the field of protection of intellectual property rights. The technical solutions for which the titles of protection were issued have been created by the scientific staff of the Institute as a result of scientific research on fundamental and applied topics with the active methodological assistance of the patent service.

Since 1975, the Institute has received more than 200 copyright certificates for inventions, 11 patents of the USSR and 29 patents of Ukraine for inventions, 124 patents for utility models, of which 60 are currently valid. Seven applications for utility models have been prepared for filing with the DPR Patent Office.

Of special note are the techniques created by the Institute in the field of mining, geophysics, instrument-making, industrial engineering, and environmental protection:

– "Method of seismic diagnostics of geodynamic state of rock mass in the zone of production working" (Patent No. 43364) is designed to determine the state of rock mass over production working during development of coal seams in conditions of possible occurrence of dangerous geodynamic phenomena (sudden coal and gas outbursts, pressure bursts, large caving of the main roof, etc.);

− "The device “VEGOR" to check the mine hoisting equipment" (Patent No. 30836) allows to improve the accuracy of measuring horizontal and vertical deviations of the elements of reinforcement and ropes from the design position;

– "The method of protection of mine workings against the impact of moving longwall in conditions of unstable rocks" (Patent No. 49870) allows to increase stability of mine workings with the approaching of moving longwall to the boundaries of safety pillars eliminating their remedial maintenance and the loss of coal in safety pillars;

– "Device for interval measurement of gas release (UPIG) when drilling wells in the coal seam" (Patent No. 78496) is designed to obtain reliable and on-line data to assess the gas-dynamic state of the coal seam working area;

– "The method of determining the impact of underground pipeline on the horizontal ground movement during underground coal mining" (Patent No. 85566) allows to assess the stress-strain state of the pipeline, to determine the need for the use of structural protection measures and their efficiency;

– "The method of partial mining of reserves in safety coal pillars" (Patent No. 73109) provides a high degree of protection of protected objects against surface deformation in the process of coal augering.

An extensive list of patents is used by the Institute in its own developments and facilitates solution to the problems in the lines of the Institute’s activity.

From 2004 through 2013, the Institute was the winner of the competition of NAS of Ukraine (awarded top places) for achieving the best performance in inventive work, creation, protection and use of intellectual property rights. Five employees were awarded the honorary title "Inventor of the Year".